A person should be told realistic issues, not just hype. It's slow.ĭon't care if it's free (bold face) or not. Posted that once before, thinking it was a problem with PASCAL. On large levels XWE chugs like an old VB app - that's a fact. I was not the one doing the recommending and one would think that would/should be relevant? However, I've tested XWE and all other editors seeing what parts make sense and what parts do not (for example, I got the map button scrolling from DMAPEDIT and the original edge scrolling from DEU). For a free (note use of underlined word, with bold face added for emphasis) utility, I'd say XWE runs pretty damn fine. Let RTDScout be the judge of whether or not XWE works fine for his purposes. How many large levels have you made with XWE?